
By OverIt - 25/02/2014 22:24 - United States - Winchester

Today, I talked to my husband about his lack of interest in sex. Apparently his definition is polar to mine; his is along the lines of cuddling. Not only did I wait until marriage to have sex with this man, apparently he prefers a permanent roommate without benefits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 774
You deserved it 11 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cuddle naked and top whip cream to your breast for bonus. *looks around awkwardly*


he could be gay, a victim of sexual abuse, have a naturally low libido, medical condition causing low libido, body conscious or shy. asexuality is relatively rare (on a population scale) so I wouldn't worry too much about that possibility. If he is asexual, it was extremely selfish not to tell you until afterwords. If he isnt asexual, I would have his testosterone levels checked by a doctor and make sure he's not suffering from depression or taking any medication that could suppress his drive. If its an ED problem make sure he has his heart checked! Theres also marriage counseling, psychotherapy and sexual counseling or therapy. Also if he wants sex, but wants it infrequently and you can live with that I would look into investing in an expensive but amazing mechanical friend. You took marriage vows, not a vow of chastity, and while he has no obligation to have sex with you, you have no obligation to stay in an arrangement you are unhappy with. I know my own libido is high to the point of possibly being abnormal so its something I needed to lay on the table rather early in the relationship. I personally see sex/foreplay as the difference between my male best friends and my husband and absolutely would refuse to be in a 100% abstinent relationship. Abstinence before marriage is so bizzare to me. Its kind of an absurd notion to think you're going to, on your first try, find someone out of several billion that is sexually compatible with you but exploring and becoming comfortable with the full range of your sexuality mentally and physically can take YEARS so dont give up on him if you truly love him.

It seems like if you take a vow you agree to stay with an arrangement you might be unhappy with so you could work through or cope with problems, rather than being defined by them.

prinncess00 16

Least you don't have to worry about him cheating on you? *patiently waits for follow-up*

I left a man after three years without sex because of this. OP, either you can stimulate/encourage him... or leave when you realize it will never change. Unless he lets you have fun on the side, or if you get toys..

I've known several couples who waited until marriage to have sex and divorced within a year or two due to sexual incompatibility. Waiting until marriage is a gamble, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

I agree with others. He could be gay or could've been sexually abused. Either way you've gotta get that out of him or your marriage may not last.

plenty of people just arent into the whole idea of sex you should probably either invest in a vibrator or get used to it you two shouldve talked about this kind of stuff way earlier in your relationship

Looks like you have found the only man not interested in sex Maybe finding his love language and a little foreplay might spice things up or a vibrator might get him a bit jealous

Sounds to me like he's asexual, or at least on the spectrum; we're really not as rare as people seem to believe we are. This is why communication is so important. Obviously you never bothered to talk about sex if you didn't know until now that he's not interested, so really you're both at fault for leaping into marriage without taking the time to learn about each other. Incompatibility is the downfall of countless relationships, but hopefully you love and respect each other enough not to let a lack of sex be the downfall of a relationship that was strong enough to lead to an engagement in the first place.