
By OverIt - 25/02/2014 22:24 - United States - Winchester

Today, I talked to my husband about his lack of interest in sex. Apparently his definition is polar to mine; his is along the lines of cuddling. Not only did I wait until marriage to have sex with this man, apparently he prefers a permanent roommate without benefits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 774
You deserved it 11 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cuddle naked and top whip cream to your breast for bonus. *looks around awkwardly*


YDI honestly my own personal motto is "Try before you buy" so you married(bought) with trying(sex) and now your living unsatisfied.

wysegirl 24

Hope you don't have money or that neither of you were pressured. In a way I know how you feel.

I notice no one has mentioned weight. Of course we don't know OP or her husband's physical condition but being overweight, or even underweight, can greatly affect libido. A good diet and some exercise might do wonders for you both OP. But it sounds like you haven't even had this discussion with him OP, were you one of those young couples who got married after about 2 months so you could claim you 'waited until marriage' so you just married anyone? I knew a girl like that once..

"couple with no benefits" whole new sentence as oppose to "friends with benefits" ...sorry op.. you just need to open up and talk to him...

It would seem that he may have a secret I'm his closet that he doesn't want to come out. Also it is much easier to end a marriage that has not been consummated ( not had sex) you can then most likely get an annulment which is as if the marriage never occurred

exactly why you shouldn't marry someone until you have sex with them.sexual compatibility is very important.