Where would we be without GPS?

By Anonymous - 19/07/2024 15:00

Today, my stupid satnav led me straight onto someone’s private land and I couldn’t get out again because the private land was a working farm, and while I was turning round they dumped 10 tonnes of cow shit in the courtyard, and I couldn’t get round it until they shifted it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 185
You deserved it 362

Same thing different taste

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I read about a USAF Academy kid who recently took his brand new truck up to the top of one of the states highest peaks. He got stuck in a scree field and had to pay MANY thousands of $ to have it recovered. His excuse? He didn't know he drove up hiking trails and didn't know he was off the pavement. Don't ever trust a satNav totally. Don't go into people's properties after pokemon. Use the head that you were given before you make that turn. YDI.


I read about a USAF Academy kid who recently took his brand new truck up to the top of one of the states highest peaks. He got stuck in a scree field and had to pay MANY thousands of $ to have it recovered. His excuse? He didn't know he drove up hiking trails and didn't know he was off the pavement. Don't ever trust a satNav totally. Don't go into people's properties after pokemon. Use the head that you were given before you make that turn. YDI.