Shady tactics

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Australia - Rowville

Today, at a mixed-family game of rugby, my dad resorted to calling me a "goddamned accident" and eventually body-slamming me, just so I'd stop playing long enough for his team to score. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 859
You deserved it 3 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is where you play the "MOOOOOOOM!!!" card.

That's some good old fashioned tough love. Get back on the field and slam his ass back.


So I'm guessing you are really good at rugby and your father is highly competitive. Either way, that's quite amusing. You should take pride in the fact that your father finds your athleticism threatening enough to have to body-slam you in order to score.

Steve95401 49

I knew rugby was a rough sport. I didn't realize it was that rough.

iOceanus 18

It's now an emotional sport as well.

I always figured rugby was like football, but without the protective gear. I heard of some guys putting Vaseline on their ears in case the are ever in a scrum.

NickaPLZ 26

Yup, Rugby's a rough ass sport...

There's playing cheap. Then there's your dad.

Next game: Yell that his sperm weren't fast enough to make you. (Then, all you'll have to dodge is Mom.)

perdix 29

Who gets rugby strategy from a fortune cookie?

Dude i play rugby im loose head prop n i say mean shit too even id it hurts it normally boost the players aggression...

tmmundy 17

26...Is that English you're speaking?

Why is everyone booing my thing what am saying true. Ive played rugby for 3 years

I play rugby too, but I can form a coherent sentence.