By moduschic - 19/10/2009 01:38 - United States
Same thing different taste
By retailshell - 28/01/2015 15:01 - Australia - Perth
By Anonymous - 14/12/2010 04:13 - United States
By Elmoo - 01/06/2012 01:20 - Netherlands
By WesJaz - 08/01/2010 16:35 - United States
By Bucks9 - 07/05/2009 23:43 - United States
By bakedplum - 01/11/2011 17:52 - United States
Weirdo alert
By imaginary coelacanth - 20/12/2020 14:02
By Anonymous - 10/06/2012 08:47 - United States - Kent
My eyes are up here
By LonelyCashier - 11/07/2019 20:00
By KMKWEEN - 16/02/2009 14:37 - United States
Top comments
Haha. You failed.
and that's why you don't talk to people who wear stuff from the Quacker Factory.
Hahaha, kind of YDI, but I voted FYL because you were just trying to be nice, and lets face it, people who are buying that kind of clothes...
She's not really. If she's the kind of person who wants to wear a gold sequin top...then she should own it and not get offended. It's obviously a bit of an outrageous top.
I'm kind of torn on this one. One hand hand, sequins? Seriously? That's really tacky... Very Halloween-ish. So it is obvious as to where the OP got that idea from. However, assuming things ALWAYS gets thrown back in your face /:
Yeah, you really need to think long and hard about this one, because your decision whether they deserve it or whether their life really is ****** will change the world as we know if. Forever. No one cares what you vote. Stop boring us with your stupid dilemmas.
Beautiful Death is probably a cashier. Even if not, don't knock a legitimate comment.
#10: Stop reading the ******* comments if you complain about them. You have a scrollbar to the right of your browser and a mouse and even keyboard functions to make the page move up and down to read other comments or even (GASP!) ignore them and move along. /end hypocrisy
Woahhh theree.... haha, I got flamed for such a simple comment? Sorry for boring you with my 'dilemma'. And I just noticed I made a typo-thing. I wrote "One hand hand" and I meant "On one hand". Not sure how I did that. @BeeSkwaird - I'm not a cashier :3 Haha. Red_Dawn - haha. thanks. I think #10 is on her period.'re comment is even more useless...
Mmm. I can't wait for the idiots to come and not understand the FML.
Well.. I guess I'm first. And that'd mainly be because English isn't my mother tongue :c Thank you for destroying my self-esteem with a simple sentence *cries in a corner*
Sequins are just that damn sexy ; )
i agree with number #23 (:
alright, whoever's #23 needs to post something like "The Holocaust isn't real."
number 23 fails :( i thought i would get some lolz out of that but no, they had a big rant. LOLOCAUST.. no.
I hate dealing with the public. That's why when ever I see a customer coming my way looking like they want my help I run out the back of the store and hide untill they leave. I wonder why I haven't won employee of the month yet???

Hahaha, kind of YDI, but I voted FYL because you were just trying to be nice, and lets face it, people who are buying that kind of clothes...
hahahahhaha. She sounds like a grumpy fabulous person