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By moduschic - 19/10/2009 01:38 - United States

Today, at work this woman came up to my counter and handed me gold top covered in gold sequins. I like to chat with the customers sometimes at work so I got all excited and said "Ooh! You shopping for Halloween?" She gave me the biggest death stare. Turns out she wasn't shopping for Halloween. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 899
You deserved it 17 517

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hahaha, kind of YDI, but I voted FYL because you were just trying to be nice, and lets face it, people who are buying that kind of clothes...

noshitsherlock 0

hahahahhaha. She sounds like a grumpy fabulous person


Hunthas 17

the same thing happened to me, except with raccoons :(

and that's why you don't talk to people who wear stuff from the Quacker Factory.

Hahaha, kind of YDI, but I voted FYL because you were just trying to be nice, and lets face it, people who are buying that kind of clothes...

americayay 0

Yeah, but it's at the store she works at. She really shouldn't be insulting the product.

She's not really. If she's the kind of person who wants to wear a gold sequin top...then she should own it and not get offended. It's obviously a bit of an outrageous top.

noshitsherlock 0

hahahahhaha. She sounds like a grumpy fabulous person

I'm kind of torn on this one. One hand hand, sequins? Seriously? That's really tacky... Very Halloween-ish. So it is obvious as to where the OP got that idea from. However, assuming things ALWAYS gets thrown back in your face /:

Yeah, you really need to think long and hard about this one, because your decision whether they deserve it or whether their life really is ****** will change the world as we know if. Forever. No one cares what you vote. Stop boring us with your stupid dilemmas.

Beautiful Death is probably a cashier. Even if not, don't knock a legitimate comment.

#10: Stop reading the ******* comments if you complain about them. You have a scrollbar to the right of your browser and a mouse and even keyboard functions to make the page move up and down to read other comments or even (GASP!) ignore them and move along. /end hypocrisy

Woahhh theree.... haha, I got flamed for such a simple comment? Sorry for boring you with my 'dilemma'. And I just noticed I made a typo-thing. I wrote "One hand hand" and I meant "On one hand". Not sure how I did that. @BeeSkwaird - I'm not a cashier :3 Haha. Red_Dawn - haha. thanks. I think #10 is on her period.'re comment is even more useless...

Mmm. I can't wait for the idiots to come and not understand the FML.

Well.. I guess I'm first. And that'd mainly be because English isn't my mother tongue :c Thank you for destroying my self-esteem with a simple sentence *cries in a corner*

POW96 0

hahaha damn right they're sexy ;)

spyderman2190 0

YDI for makin small talk...naw im kidding screw her for not pickin better clothes

alright, whoever's #23 needs to post something like "The Holocaust isn't real."

number 23 fails :( i thought i would get some lolz out of that but no, they had a big rant. LOLOCAUST.. no.

I hate dealing with the public. That's why when ever I see a customer coming my way looking like they want my help I run out the back of the store and hide untill they leave. I wonder why I haven't won employee of the month yet???