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She likes it!

By whiteboyfresh69 - 22/01/2020 20:00 - United States

Today, while sleeping off my hangover, my niece asked me to get her a drink. I gave her a beer, I didn't notice it until it was gone. She is only 6 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 689
You deserved it 3 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stop drinking. You are not responsible with your drinking.

That's bullshit. How do you "accidentally " give a kid a beer? ydi


Crazy_Pupil 6

how do you "accidentally" give a kid a beer?

That's bullshit. How do you "accidentally " give a kid a beer? ydi

bl3ur0z3 17

She drank it without complaining of the taste?

How else is the next generation of alcoholics going to get started?

Stop drinking. You are not responsible with your drinking.

This is exactly why you drink while responsible for children or other dependents

I’m a mmj patient so I get doing stupid things while groggy. I do not care for a child, but it seems I’m more careful with my dog when out of it then you are with your niece. If you knew you had to care for her and got the messes up, ydi and fhl.

WistayShlaio82 13

That’s some Clerks level type of oops

Me thinks if your automatic reaction to being asked for a drink is to grab a beer, that maybe you need to seek some professional help. This sounds like the beginning (or early stages) of an unhealthy relationship with alcohol and, probably, some unresolved other issues that push you towards it as a coping mechanism.

I'm assuming you knew she was staying with you before you got drunk, but if you were also the only adult guardian in the house, you need to get your shit together. Also, that kid would not have liked the taste of beer, and would have said something after the first sip. Unless your family is fully white trash, and you don't care about the kids you have.