Shy boy

By Oops - 24/10/2009 13:14 - United Kingdom

Today, a friend asked me if I'd buy him some condoms because he's too shy to buy them himself. I obliged and whilst queuing at the till to buy them I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see my fiancée glaring at me. We don't use condoms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 975
You deserved it 6 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone saying YDI for not using condoms is a moron. Obviously you use condoms when having sex with someone if you're not sure it would be safe, but with your fiance? if she's on the pill no point, pill is way more effective than condoms as a contraceptive, and you had better know by then whether or not your partner has diseased. So what I'm trying to say is stupid people who don't understand sex STFU


ximeldax 0

i'm guessing the phrase "i'm holding these for a friend" didn't work well in this situation…

unless you're trying for a baby, you should be using them

Faye2210 9

Just explain it to her. She should understand.

Why don't you use condoms ? Must be nice for her.

I hope you trust each other enough to let that go.... Although it does Sound kinda used "I was just buying them for a friend"

Easily explained. Nothing to worry about :)

pink_alpaca 7

condoms suck. i'd rather get AIDS than use condoms!