Shy boy

By Oops - 24/10/2009 13:14 - United Kingdom

Today, a friend asked me if I'd buy him some condoms because he's too shy to buy them himself. I obliged and whilst queuing at the till to buy them I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see my fiancée glaring at me. We don't use condoms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 975
You deserved it 6 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone saying YDI for not using condoms is a moron. Obviously you use condoms when having sex with someone if you're not sure it would be safe, but with your fiance? if she's on the pill no point, pill is way more effective than condoms as a contraceptive, and you had better know by then whether or not your partner has diseased. So what I'm trying to say is stupid people who don't understand sex STFU


allihall127 0

Ohh FYL. Tell her the truth, and hopefully she'll believe you. I know I probably wouldn't buy that story but hopefully she does!

unlucky93_fml 0

Alright well the comments on this are just completely GAY. Seriously, why are 25 adults talking about the word "whilst". Go suck a dick for God's sake if you're gonna waste your time saying that

i never use condoms. all my girls are on the pill. i dont even use them for back door sex. whats the point. all my girls date me only so im safe.

girlygirl666 0

... So, I'm guessing you have a kickin' fantasy life

Veritas143 0

You wanna be Butter's' bottom bitch?

trojan124 0

your friend is a ******* moron

My question is: Is your friends still in high school? Who's embarrassed about buying condoms? If you're too shy to buy condoms, you shouldn't be having sex.

lollipop217 0

tell your friend to grow a pair.

No good deed goes unpunished. =p Good luck explaining that. Hell, even I don't believe it. xD

dunyone1 0

Welll, if she doesn't trust you enough to believe you, then you shouldn't be in a relationship together, anyways. So, you would deserve it for being with someone with no trust. If she has reason not to trust you, like you cheated before... you deserve it even more. I can understand that it would be tricky and surely it would cause her a moment of doubt, but it should be alright if you explained. If she didn't believe you, it's better off if you guys break up.

D3M0N4N93l 0

Man, people need to get a life. Arguing over a word?