Shy boy
By Oops - 24/10/2009 13:14 - United Kingdom
By Oops - 24/10/2009 13:14 - United Kingdom
By imustbegay - 09/05/2010 14:20 - United States
By well crap... - 21/06/2020 14:18
By MenstruallyFrustrated - 23/07/2013 17:18 - United States - Surprise
By madfather - 23/02/2009 01:38 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/06/2013 14:29 - United States - Greenwood
By rxcrs3 - 09/08/2012 06:44 - United States
By Anonymous - 31/12/2015 22:33 - United States - Washington Crossing
By Samprib - 01/06/2013 05:09 - United States - Indianapolis
By fuck - 18/03/2015 17:40 - Netherlands
By BadLuckLad - 22/10/2014 22:38 - United Kingdom - Portsmouth
Tell your friend to grow a pair and buy his own damn condoms
Have fun explaining. Hopefully your fiancé will listen.
I think it's a bigger FML for his friend. He's having sex, but he's not capable of buying his own condoms. I had a friend ask me to buy him condoms once not long ago. My reply, "If you can't buy your own condoms, you shouldn't have sex." Followed by a joke about how I'll gladly buy them to have sex with his girlfriend
Unless you are intentionally spreading STD's, it's no one's business if you and your partner want to use a condom or not.
i second this ITS NOBODY'S BUSINESS!! ^***END OF STORY***^
You should have just said, "Oh hi, we're using these from now on." Of course, you probably would have also been wanting to say, "I'm getting these for my friend, he's too shy to buy them himself." In which case you might have gotten mixed up and said, "I'm using these with a friend, he's too shy to buy them himself." In which case this fml would be a lot more fun.
Haha, I find it hard to believe that someone old enough to be getting married has a friend immature enough to be afraid of buying condoms. Unless I knew the friend, if I were in the fiancee's position I would be suspicious for that reason.
Haha, FML moment :P I'm sure she understood when you explained it to her tho ^_^
ITT: People who know nothing about contraceptives.
+1 lol
Just explain. Not that big a deal
Everyone saying YDI for not using condoms is a moron. Obviously you use condoms when having sex with someone if you're not sure it would be safe, but with your fiance? if she's on the pill no point, pill is way more effective than condoms as a contraceptive, and you had better know by then whether or not your partner has diseased. So what I'm trying to say is stupid people who don't understand sex STFU