Shy boy

By Oops - 24/10/2009 13:14 - United Kingdom

Today, a friend asked me if I'd buy him some condoms because he's too shy to buy them himself. I obliged and whilst queuing at the till to buy them I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see my fiancée glaring at me. We don't use condoms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 975
You deserved it 6 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone saying YDI for not using condoms is a moron. Obviously you use condoms when having sex with someone if you're not sure it would be safe, but with your fiance? if she's on the pill no point, pill is way more effective than condoms as a contraceptive, and you had better know by then whether or not your partner has diseased. So what I'm trying to say is stupid people who don't understand sex STFU


You should have just told your friend to grow a pair and buy his own condoms

Dcvictorious 0

YDI for living in Manchester

On the contrary, living there may well be /why/ his life is ******.

oh dear. i hope it all got sorted out. hopefully they trust you enough. just explain and they should believe you. if you're a good enough guy then they should have no insecurities. maybe get your friend to confirm your story? i hope THEY are a believable person. good luck. it should be fine.

mackento 0

wow, the issue of wearing a condom wasnt even the topic of the FML. BTW for your information, Condoms are alot less effective at preventing transmission of disease than most of you think, and even have a chance at not catching sperm. I sympatise with you man, if my fiance caught me in that situation I'd want that friend to confess quickly or you'll be in the crapper

danceoo 0

it's more effective than using nothing. and the pill doesn't stop AIDS or any other STI

But surely you would know if your fiance had HIV/AIDS before you made the decision to stop using condoms?

Unless you both trust each other 100% and are trying to have a baby, I don't see why you wouldn't be using condoms. That is kinda funny though. Just explain and it'll be fine.

Because they are less effective at preventing pregnany than other hormanal treatments such as the pill or injection. That's why.

And also because they don't want to, and I don't think it's going to change your life if she gets pregnant, Bloodknight. It's their business.

2345_fml 0

The condom is actually very effective at preventing pregnancy or diseases. Guys always depend on the girl to be the one that keeps everything safe by taking the pill and then the guy gets pissed off when she gets pregnant. He easily could have covered himself up as well.

You should have bought the smallest condoms they had, and tell your friend "hey, I thought you were too shy because you needed the smallest size." And then when your fiancee caught you in line, you could have easily told her "look at these... do you think I could possibly use condoms this small? They're for my undersized friend." You have to make a thorough plan for these kind of excursions.

xx_irish_rose_xx 0

How old is your friend that he's afraid to buy condoms? I really hate it when people are like that, if you're too immature to just walk into a drug store and buy condoms you're too immature to have sex

solocredere12 4

Not an FML. Just tell your fiancé who they were for etc etc. No big deal.