Simmer down, dad

By QQQ - 20/05/2014 17:27 - United States

Today, I had to kick my own father out of my house after he started attacking my wife for breastfeeding our newborn son in the living room. All the way to the door, he ranted that, "You don't see me whipping my dick out and pissing in front of everyone, do you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 162
You deserved it 5 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's official: he's a complete bastard.

VengeanceChicken 12

But breastfeeding provides nourishment, whereas pissing in front of everyone provides dirty looks and makes you a recipient for a potential ass-kicking....


wat an asshole she's in her own house she should feel safe there I dnt understand why he got mad its not even his house and for the love of god ppl they need to just kickback and chill out not that big of a deal geez

kwazywabbit 9

He did WHAT?!? oO SHOCKING!!!!!!

kwazywabbit 9

Men and women have breasts, most women's breasts are a more enlarged to men's but that's for breast-feeding. I personally don't see why women can't walk around topless like men do! I wonder what it was like before clothes were invented....

Dang it's sad that female breasts are so sexualized that it is shamed for when they are used for their purpose of nourishing a baby.

I'd rather see this FML than the one your wife would have written if you'd let him stay. Way to stick up for your lady!

If Pope Francis says it's OK to breastfeed in church (he did. Google it) then it should be OK anywhere.

I'm 22 weeks pregnant and am planning on breastfeeding when my little girl gets here. My fiancé says he dares somebody to come up and say something if I end up having to breastfeed in public. Me personally, I'll tell them that if I ever see them eat a burger or anything in a public setting I will flip my shit on them just like they did with me. I'm feeding my child the food it is meant to eat and nobody will stop me from doing that wherever I want to. I think what really pisses me off about all the people who get upset over women breastfeeding in public is that they're quick to complain, but slow to provide other options. I'm pretty sure that most women would prefer to breastfeed in a more private area too, but there are NONE. If stores offered private, secluded areas, most women would probably go there to breastfeed.

Good for you (and your wife) congrats!

Tawnkat 13

I'm glad you kicked him out. That f*ckhead is so stupid, I honestly wouldn't know where to start. I would never allow him back in my home.