By Dalistair - 23/05/2013 23:25 - United States - High Point

Today, my aunt drove to my house and screamed at me for skateboarding in her driveway and denting her car. She then ransacked my room for said skateboard so she could break it in half. My aunt lives 4 hours away. I don't own a skateboard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 953
You deserved it 2 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she misses you and it's an excuse to visit you.

You should have gotten your parents involved to convince her you didn't skate the equivalent of 4 hours of driving just to do tricks in her driveway...


Did you use phrases such as "don't have a cow man" and "cowabunga dude" to calm her down?

flockz 19

dude, chillax OP's aunt. your raging is like so insane bro.

Cha, shit happens bro, stop harshin my mellow...

msmedieval 11

You shouldn't have let her, even if she was your aunt! Were your parents around to witness this?

The woman was in the middle of a delusional rage; I don't think OP really had a chance to give permission either way.

Tell your aunt to go get some dick or something. Would have loved to see her face when she found out that said "skateboard" didn't exist.

perdix 29

The joke's on her -- you're good at hiding the evidence! If she lives 4 hours away by car, I'm guessing that's about 40 hours by skateboard, each way. You must really hate the woman!

You could say it was the perfect crime...

she might also be finding someone to blame for the dent on her car... u should inform your parents

Epikouros 31

So you used a stolen skateboard, and you drove 4 hours just to dent your aunt's car? Damn kids don't respect their elders anymore these days!

flying_sorcerer 2

anyone else immediately imagined the Simpsons' opening?

You'd think that at some point during those 4 hours, she would have thought, "you know, maybe it wasn't him. Maybe it was that neighbor kid."

By that point she was committed. "Actually, it might've been the neighbor kid...TOO LATE TO TURN BACK, I have to blame my nephew now!!"

I think your aunt needs to be committed

DaLiquer 20

Crazy auntie? Or you damaged her car on someone else's board!