
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, it was my first day with new contacts, but I found out they make my eyes red and itchy. Today was also the day I had a very important meeting. They think I showed up stoned. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 297
You deserved it 3 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have made a show of putting in some vizine and told them "forgive me, my new contacts are bothering my eyes"

sdcrazy1018 0

I'm sure someone said something about your eyes to you....and guess what? All you had to say was, "Yea my contacts are bothering me." Yea, this is real FML-worthy *shakes head*


That's disappointing... but unless you were acting stoned it probably won't matter.

suaveneanderthal 0

soooo did they come out and ask you if you showed up stoned? because then you could of been like " hey you know what im not under the influence of marijuana right now" or did they all give you weird looks upon entering the room? to which you could of said " hey guys just in case you're wondering if i have pink eye or something these are new contacts. Either way **** YOUR LIFE for even leaving the option of them thinking you were stoned out there if you knew they really might think that. this problem could of been easily and i mean easily avoided.

hellokittywhore 0

you proably accidently put them in backwards babe I used to do that sll the time when I first got mine just be careful because I scratched my eye taking them out when they were backwards too quickly... I had to wear an eye patch the first 2 weeks at a new high school :( but it was accually a great conversation starter!! lol :)

u could've just told them it was allergies - i know mine are really bad right now

i'm just waiting for the poor schmoe who says "first", but takes a long time to post the page

Contacts can be a bitch.. Couldn't you explain you got new contacts?

why u didn't go with glasses ?? I meant the same thing happens to me with contacts so I just don't wear them. u have to get a better fit for ur eyes u can damage ur cornea

xxCFHxx 0

Yeah, and glasses make you look smarter, I would guess. And if the OP didn't act like he's stoned,, and they won't think you he was*. *Though I've been told I look like a stoner, too, so whatever.

expen_dable 0

being mistaken for a stoner when you aren't would be the worst. but being stoned and nobody knowing is win-win.

you should have made a show of putting in some vizine and told them "forgive me, my new contacts are bothering my eyes"

Visine is commonly used to cover up being stoned. Bad idea.

I got that all through high school... haha. fyl

Heather Locklear leads the NBA in blocks per game.

cerebellum_fml 0

i look stoned all the time and its not my fault.

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

no its your moms fault for smoking crack when you were in the womb

sdcrazy1018 0

I'm sure someone said something about your eyes to you....and guess what? All you had to say was, "Yea my contacts are bothering me." Yea, this is real FML-worthy *shakes head*