
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, it was my first day with new contacts, but I found out they make my eyes red and itchy. Today was also the day I had a very important meeting. They think I showed up stoned. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 297
You deserved it 3 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have made a show of putting in some vizine and told them "forgive me, my new contacts are bothering my eyes"

sdcrazy1018 0

I'm sure someone said something about your eyes to you....and guess what? All you had to say was, "Yea my contacts are bothering me." Yea, this is real FML-worthy *shakes head*


crazyrunnergirl 7

Youu should have stuck with the glasses, they make you look smarter anyway

WickedClownMCL 1

Being a stoner, I see no problem at all.

You might be allergic to the solution. My eyes used to be super, super red, red enough to make someone else's eyes burn, and it turned out I was allergic to my contact solution.

You may have just put them in inside out. I've had that problem before.