
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, it was my first day with new contacts, but I found out they make my eyes red and itchy. Today was also the day I had a very important meeting. They think I showed up stoned. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 297
You deserved it 3 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have made a show of putting in some vizine and told them "forgive me, my new contacts are bothering my eyes"

sdcrazy1018 0

I'm sure someone said something about your eyes to you....and guess what? All you had to say was, "Yea my contacts are bothering me." Yea, this is real FML-worthy *shakes head*


AndelleRae 9

Well, if the meeting was that important, you should have invited them to drug test you. Unless you actually do smoke pot, in which case you're pretty much screwed.

rodneypoh 0

How about not trying new things like contacts you haven't worn before, on such an important day. You should've worn your glasses.

gothchick666 0

um i wear contacts also you have to wash your hands first and for most and if they were still red its called use the stuff they give u i think its called Opti-fresh or something like that? just put that in your eyes. they should clear up. orrrrr your just allergic and should not wear them (:

or .. more likely , you were wearing them inside out

well..actually i totally understand. my contacts do that when put new ones in or i sleep in them...and everyone at school thinks ive been smoking it up right before. hahaha but i always think its funny!

kk2krazee 0

why didnt you explained why your eyes were red? ydi for not thinking ahead

lawleit 0

lol ahah yea it take practice getting those things on right, u were prolly new to them