
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, it was my first day with new contacts, but I found out they make my eyes red and itchy. Today was also the day I had a very important meeting. They think I showed up stoned. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 297
You deserved it 3 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have made a show of putting in some vizine and told them "forgive me, my new contacts are bothering my eyes"

sdcrazy1018 0

I'm sure someone said something about your eyes to you....and guess what? All you had to say was, "Yea my contacts are bothering me." Yea, this is real FML-worthy *shakes head*


redshortsx 0

so explain. not a big deal. the real

ydi for not taking them out and putting your glasses back on, you could also have explained to them rather than leaving them thinking you were stoned.

Give them a doctor's note saying you had a bad reaction to the contacts, simple...that is, if they call back.

man I get high all the time at work and often forget my visine just act normal and no one will say anything and if any one ever does I always say it's my contacts (I don't even wear them) but that sucks for u cuz u werent even high

BaBiiSpAnKy821 0

awww sucks lol i hate contactsss go all naturall

MzRodriquez95 0

An important day such as that is not a day to be trying out new eyewear, you know.

It sucks, but most people only know one symptom of marijuana use (red eyes), and attribute every other potential cause of said symptom (Allergies, illness, eye wear, injury, environment, etc...) to marijuana first and foremost.

Rule of Thumb: Never make a major change prior to an important event. This means, don't try that new bottle of self tanner before a big party, don't try self dying your hair for the first time before an interview, don't switch to contacts the day of a big meeting, you get the drift. Common sense.

bloodsis16 0

MonkeySpeaks is right =). IMO, YDI OP...

Allergies!! Say it was allergies for heaven sakes! Sighhh... Must I teach you everything?! :D