
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, it was my first day with new contacts, but I found out they make my eyes red and itchy. Today was also the day I had a very important meeting. They think I showed up stoned. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 297
You deserved it 3 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have made a show of putting in some vizine and told them "forgive me, my new contacts are bothering my eyes"

sdcrazy1018 0

I'm sure someone said something about your eyes to you....and guess what? All you had to say was, "Yea my contacts are bothering me." Yea, this is real FML-worthy *shakes head*


Fabby_fml 2

Yeah, because there's no reason for your eyes to be red other than being stoned. My eyes are red all the time, usually people assume it's because I'm tired. Unless they're stoners, of course. e_e

Unless you're a naturally slow mover/talker or speak in a disorganized fashion, no one's going to think you're stoned just because you have red eyes. And if they do, all that means is that they are highly uneducated about the effects of marijuana and simply buy into the "RED EYES - YOU'RE TRIPPING BALLS!!!!11!!" hysteria.

this is probably one of those things where everyone stands around thinking he's stoned and talk about it behind OP's back, but no one actually says it to his face. all the while he think nothing's wrong. then later he overhears people talking about it or a friend fills him in. FYL, OP.

Don't lie, we know that you took a hit before your meeting! Don't worry, we won't tell... maybe;D

bexox 0

Go back to the optometrist. They can give you some new contacts or drops.

Every optometrist will tell you not to wear contacts for a full day the first time. A couple of hours, then take them out; a bit longer the next time, then take them out; etc, etc, etc. Therefore, YDI.

Not every. Mine certainly didn't. Then again, he barely talked at all... OP FYL if you got a doc like mine that didn't tell you anything. And definitely go back and complain and try other contacts. I'm going through the same thing right now, trying to find contacts that are good. The first pair I had really irritated my eyes.

I'm positive that when I read this in moderation, it definitely said the OP was having his first meeting with his PROBATION officer...

check the saline ur using. if it has Thimerasol switch to a preservative free.