Slipping up

By englishfail - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was teaching a class when a student pointed out that I'd used the wrong "your/you're" while writing on the board. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 490
You deserved it 48 416

Same thing different taste

Underfunded and underappreciated

By lrn2spel, teach - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Mogadore

Today, I got back the essay I wrote about how my country's education system is fucked. At one point, I made a spelling mistake. My teacher wrote a note about it, basically calling me illiterate, and telling me to pay attention in school instead of whining about it. She misspelled "school". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 056
You deserved it 4 674

Top comments

Maddoctor 10

I really hope you teach something other than english.


it's a very common mistake if your writing in a hurry while not really thinking about it. don't worry. : )

AxCxDxDx 0

This doesn't belong on FML, it's more like an "Oh, let me fix that."

tomato tohmato, humans make mistakes.....just ignore it and correct urself later.

YOU'RE a very bad teacher! Learn proper grammar!

sometimes I'm glad I don't react to impulse... thank **** for that

epoh_fml 0

Meh I've screwed it up while typing in a hurry also, even though I completely understand the difference between your/you're. what always screws me up is it's and its. every time :) I can never remember the proper "its" to use.

josephbrandon 1

"you're" a teacher, learn to spell

my sister has a lot of professors that make such mistakes, even repeatedly, the students don't really mind it so much. they do know the professor knows his stuff.