So frustrating!

By Anonymous - 17/09/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, I caught my husband masturbating to porn. I screamed at him and demanded to know why he was masturbating when he has a wife to have sex with. He said, "Because you always reject me?" I was about to yell back when I realized he was right. I'm a terrible wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57
You deserved it 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And even if you didn't, what's the big deal? Sometimes guys just want to play the game solo. Does he stop you from flicking the bean?


And even if you didn't, what's the big deal? Sometimes guys just want to play the game solo. Does he stop you from flicking the bean?

TeaTimeAbyss 20

Maybe that's part of the problem

GoogieWithers 22

Why would you yell at him for watching ****? If my other half watches ****, it means he leaves me the hell alone.

Wadlaen 23

Well, as long as you've realized, you can try to improve and become a better, or maybe even a good, wife!