So romantic

By Anonymous - 12/07/2013 16:53 - United States

Today, my girlfriend decided to let me know that she almost left me for another guy not so long ago, because he was more handsome and talented than me. The reason she didn't leave, "He's out of my league; you're not." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 202
You deserved it 4 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what she really means is that he turn her down.


ouch that's not cool .why would she even tell you that

You should leave her for a prettier girl.

Honestly it would be one thing to feel that way it's completely another to actually voice it. My gut reaction would be to say, "Well actually I am goodbye"

I think the reason she didn't leave you for him is because he didn't want her. dump her sorry ass. She sounds like a bitch.

she sounds like a real charmer. I think you can do better.