So that's what the smell was!

By Anonymous - 23/11/2009 07:31 - United States

Today, I found my son's dead goldfish. Apparently, when it died he didn't flush it. Instead he placed it in one of my socks, placed that sock in a jar, and set the jar in the back of my closet. The fish has been dead for over a month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 526
You deserved it 2 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I hope that the jar was sealed. Put some raw shrimp in the curtain rods in his room. That'll show the little bastard who's boss.

OMGoriginality 0


iamelrebel 0

aww... that's sort of funny and cute, but I guess it depends on how old he is.

Oh yes, she deserves it for populating another generation.

you only noticed a month later? dead fish smell really bad

153rdTrooper 0

It was in a sealed jar at the back of his closet, you douche.

choochootrain 0

idk, he sounds young - maybe you should have stuck around to help him flush it. Children don't always have a proper understanding of death.

Isn't that how Jeffery Dahmer started out?

This just convinces me further that kids have gotten dumber and dumber over the past two decades.

He probably was having trouble accepting the fish's death, so he kept it to make the parting easier. Besides, what's the worry? Just throw it away, jar and sock and all.

The kid sounds pretty young. You never went in his room and realized he didn't have a fish? Or ask how his fish was doing?