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By Anonymous - 23/11/2009 09:54 - United States

Today, I went onto the treadmill at my gym. When it prompted me to enter my age I put 27. I'm 29 and am lying about my age to a workout machine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 735
You deserved it 38 823

Same thing different taste

Top comments

capthavoc123 0

It asks you your age so it knows what your normal workout level needs to be. Also, you're a completely pathetic person. Seriously? 29 is not old. Get some perspective on life.

I'm sorry but these FMLs crying for other people's pity shouldn't even get posted. "Today I ate a bunch of twinkies, then I weighted myself and realized I weight 200lbs, FML!!!!" You ******* deserve it if you chose to lie to a machine.


hellokittywhore 0

at least you didn't lie about your weight. *you: yeah I weight 150. machine: Hell no!! you weight at least 180!!! :D

capthavoc123 0

It asks you your age so it knows what your normal workout level needs to be. Also, you're a completely pathetic person. Seriously? 29 is not old. Get some perspective on life.

blland 0

aren't we all pedophiles? aren't we old past 18?! ... people.

why would you lie and say you're younger? it makes you seem UNhealthier. jackass.

epicfailburger 0

at least you didn't get a message saying" 27?hell no. you got more wrinkles than that.." yeah that would suck>.>

lolx7 5

#92 you dont have wrinkles at 29 unless you are ******* weird! what a ****** up world you live in?!

people don't age the same way douchenozzle

PhishloverA 14

First of all no we aren't all old just because we're passed 18. Secondly what do pedophiles have to do with anything?

22cute 17

Yeah, I lie to the eliptical machine all the time. If I put in my real age it won't let me break a sweat. (im47)

OMGoriginality 0

let me feel bad for u cuz ur a woman...

I'm sorry but these FMLs crying for other people's pity shouldn't even get posted. "Today I ate a bunch of twinkies, then I weighted myself and realized I weight 200lbs, FML!!!!" You ******* deserve it if you chose to lie to a machine.

I agree. OP, either get a life or stop bitching.

Kade20 4

Your taking FML too seriously. This is a site to read for fun. Your pathetic, who are you to judge anyone? The post still made me chuckle so I don't see what's wrong with them posting anything. I don't like that some people pitty themselves either but I don't go around bitching at stupid little things. You must have no life or your on your angry with yourself wanting to take some self issues on someone else. And that's the worst.

wambamtysam 0

I'm pretty sure the age is there to help determine how healthy, how much body fat, regular weight or whatever is normal andstuff for your age so you're really just screwing yourself for getting results that are probably going to be worse for 2 years younger which would probably slightly differ from your age. you might be healthy for 29 but not 27, nahmean?!

thebawss 0

What are you doing at the gym? Women belong in the kitchen to bake shit for men and should automanically be in shape.

evangldbrg 0

don't forget the sandwitches and a ******* between commercials

Men don't lie about their age. We just forget, and we're too lazy to do the math when asked, so we guess.

Don't people usually lie about their weight when it comes to sports?

perdix 29

You realize that it's going to calculate a higher heart rate for you to reach. Of course, I'm sure your lie about your weight will screw up the calculations even more.

My question is why do you care? Why does any woman care? Women age. It's nature. Are men supposed to think we're immortal or something?

it says the the OP is anonymous...meaning we dont know if it is a male or female :P