Some winners…

By brawl y’all - 31/10/2020 09:04 - United States

Today, what started as a family gathering turned into an all-out brawl. I saw my son’s wife punch him, so I hit her. Her mom and sister jumped me. My husband was pulling them off when the other husband thought he was attacking them and jumped in, so my son jumped in as well. We won, at least. FML
I agree, your life sucks 624
You deserved it 1 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bl3ur0z3 17

Congratulations, you're all trash. Nobody won, btw.

If your goal was getting your son divorced you may have just accomplished it. While a wife using physical violence on her husband should be viewed as equally unacceptable as a husband on his wife, but do you really think attacking her back was going to improve things? Maybe some yelling and getting between the two, but starting an all-out brawl seems excessive.


Covid and Trump will do that to people who were supposedly civilized.

It seems violence and stupidity runs in some families.

If your goal was getting your son divorced you may have just accomplished it. While a wife using physical violence on her husband should be viewed as equally unacceptable as a husband on his wife, but do you really think attacking her back was going to improve things? Maybe some yelling and getting between the two, but starting an all-out brawl seems excessive.

bl3ur0z3 17

Congratulations, you're all trash. Nobody won, btw.

You're all idiots and need to stay far away from each other for the rest of your lives.

War's over, soldier. You just don't know it yet. Everybody lost.

tounces7 27

What part of Alabama do ya'll live in?

diraven 15

Do you live in a family of ninjas? Because I think that would be pretty cool

Everyone who got involved is a pathetic waste of space. I've known kids to behave better when fighting over toys. You people are worse than trailer trash.