Sooner or later, you're gonna listen to Ralph Nader

By AJL - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I parked my motorcycle in a parking spot. When I came back, my bike had been moved and was laying on its side with a note saying, "Sorry I dropped your motorcycle I was trying to move it forward so I could park my car because there weren't any other spots." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 896
You deserved it 6 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

91hayek 31

At least they felt obligated to leave an apology instead of an abusive note trying to justify their actions, or no note at all.

darlingdollie 24

That's terrible. Sorry, OP. Karma will come for those who are ignorant and self-centered!


It's not necessarily stupid. Lots of places elsewhere in the world have specific spots for motorcycles and would consider it abusive to park a bike in a car-appropriate spot. I for one did not know that there were no bike spaces in the USA.

What a dick move. I'd be pissed if someone dropped my bike.

At least there was a note.They were being a bit considerate

Lil_Red777 21

If they were considerate at all, they wouldn't have touched someone else's property to begin with.

I know how that is...Motorcycle parking is lovely more places should have it

Omg who the hell does that?!?! Thank God no one has tried to do that to my Motorcycle. Try locking it all the way OP. That way it can't be moved. That sucks.

No who ever did this is a dick/bitch since we don't know gender you don't move someones motorcycle because there are no spots you go elsewhere dammit my uncles have motorcycles and they slap you for some much as breathing on it wrong there be blood if this happen to them

Do you not understand how heavy they can be ?!

tayymeds 23

better question: why was it moved in the first place?

Just pick it up, at least it's not scratched. You sir, or ma'am, are overreacting

no he isn't, and how do you know the bike's not scratched? I had a friend drop his bike onto grass once, and he damaged an indicator in the process, what do you think dropping a bike onto asphalt will do to it? and even if there is no damage, the guy who dropped it had no right to touch it, let alone move it without permission

OP is reacting at all. The person who did this shouldn't have been touching OPs property in the first place. Lifting a motorcycle isn't that simple, they're really heavy, especially the bigger ones. OP shouldn't be left picking up their bike because some idiot decided that they are more worthy of a parking spot just because they drive a car.

Over reacting? I would be pissed if someone moved my bike WITHOUT dropping it. Dropping a bike will ALWAYS cause some damage. And not just cosmetic damage, but mechanical as well. And don't try to blame someone for driving a "delicate" vehicle that can't take's fine if it doesn't get dropped by a moron who shouldn't be touching it in the first place. If you parked you car legally, and came back to see a huge scratch down the side with a note saying "Sorry I scratched your car, but there wasn't enough room for the shopping cart." would you be over reacting if you got angry? No one should be touching, let alone moving, some one else's property, especially just because they felt entitled. Why would any one think they had more right to a parking space than someone who was already in it? Over reacting....I don't think so.

CaitiieBuggs 23

The damage may not be just cosmetic. I have a friend whose bike was dropped by someone else, and the bike dropped in such a way that her steering columns became twisted and the handlebars became crooked. Her bike was basically immobile until it was fixed, luckily it was able to be fixed, because it completely messed up her steering and counter steering. You'd be surprised how much mechanical damage can be done to a bike just from being dropped. Add a person who knows nothing about bikes doing the dropping- and it can be even worse.

Zach2014 11

Ask for the video footage if there is any where you parked your bike.

@ 13 I used to have a parking bay at work and rode my motorbike in. When a friend would also use the space for their car, you know who ended up with a ticket? Me, the motorbike rider. Trust me, they are entitled to use the space as much as anyone else AND should use it the same way as someone in a car without having their stuff moved/touched.