Sorry Mr Whiskers

By Brody89 - 09/04/2014 18:40 - United States - Vancouver

Today, my overly-attached 14-year-old cat wanted attention while I was in a heated Skype argument with my girlfriend. Worked up from the fight, I raised my voice and said, "Not now, go away!" He ran to his little bed, had a heart attack and died. I was a complete dick to my cat in his last moments. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 039
You deserved it 38 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hazardmuffin 21

This is probably the most awful FML I've ever read. I'm sorry about your cat, OP :(


jellybean0219 5

I'm so sorry for ur loss!!! I'm crying right now that is so sad??? but u should know that ur cat loves u dearly even tho in his last moments u were mean to him. I'm a crazy cat lady to so I understand. Two of my cats died this year I have two left but I didn't get to say good bye to my first one she was a white deaf cat the garbage man killed her while I was at school. And my other cat died of a tumor.

jellybean0219 5

Sorry after the I'm crying right now part there r supposed to be "!!!!!" And not "????"

I bet he was so attached to you because he had a great life with you :)

RubyRed829 12

Awh, poor kitty :( may his little cat soul rest in peace. I wish you condolences.

there's such thing as FML staff...? O_O wow I'm a noob