Sorry Mr Whiskers

By Brody89 - 09/04/2014 18:40 - United States - Vancouver

Today, my overly-attached 14-year-old cat wanted attention while I was in a heated Skype argument with my girlfriend. Worked up from the fight, I raised my voice and said, "Not now, go away!" He ran to his little bed, had a heart attack and died. I was a complete dick to my cat in his last moments. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 039
You deserved it 38 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hazardmuffin 21

This is probably the most awful FML I've ever read. I'm sorry about your cat, OP :(


I'm crying. It's really not your fault though, the cat knew he was going to die, that why it was such an attention seeker. It just caught you at a bad time. Don't blame yourself. I'm sorry for your loss

Man im so sorry you cant beat yourself up but if i were you i wouldnt put this on the internet people can be cruel

If my dog ever died, and I was an asshole to her before that I'd probably die with her. I love that bitch.

I think I'm gonna go hug my cat and tell her I love her...

oh my god bro I'm so sorry now today is a sad day to me :(