
By mike - 11/03/2011 18:34 - United States

Today, I set up a mouse trap to kill the rodent plaguing my kitchen. While lying in bed, I heard an unmistakable snap, and ran to see what I'd caught. The mouse trap was missing. I now have a large, angry, and possibly dying animal running around my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 590
You deserved it 7 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You have a pissed off rat running around and not a mouse.

Set another trap. Use peanut butter as the bait.


LoonyPheebs 0

YDI for attempting to kill in the first place. Find the place where the animal is entering your house, and cover it up!

rubberduckie72 4

aiuse can squeeze in anywhere in anytinybspace. for thatatter tjey can get in if u pro ur dor half a second whole u bring in a bigbloud of stuff,

lol #60 and 46 u guys just contradicted each other. so which is it? a broken finger or not?

Lindseyy716 0

So instead of trying to get the animal out you go on fml?

morgan020 0

reset it and bait it with peanut butter. and you have to use the Victor brand ones. I live in the country and we get alot of field mice. they're sneaky little things. and unless it was baited with poison it's prolly not going to die. I had one once that chewed his back legs off to get out and then I caught him again a couple days later. good luck :)

sophiagrace26 0

I have tried the same as the OP. One day i heared it inside the walls, with the trap still on it :)

it could have just got it's foot caught in the trap so it wouldn't have killed it, in our house we've had mice and several times the trap would just get it's foot, if that happened we did let them go outside. my dog is good at catching mice though 

Starburstify 0
rubberduckie72 4

hey 34i keep a clean house. we live on a lot of farm land and this time of year after the crops are in and it starts to get cold we get a lot of them diseSe carying varmits in here. so because a mouse is hungry a i should let them come in andultiply and expose my family to their piss and shit and eating through and burrowing down in our boxes of food. and yes the food is in the cupboards but the mice still get in to it