Stacy's mom…

By Anonymous - 24/06/2011 17:00 - United States

Today, my mom decided to do something new and borrowed some of my clothes. She's currently wearing a very small pair of short shorts and a very tight tank top. We're going to a very prestigious golf course and she won't change. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 284
You deserved it 4 988

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And the lesson is... don't judge teens by their parents and don't judge parents by their teens.


She's just reliving her hooker days.


FMLandurstoo 9

Nah, Boners, that's my job.

weeendyceee_3 0

...I'd do that. A sugar daddy never fails to come through (;

mruizk9 7

does she have the body to pull it off? if yes? then where is this golf course?

Mr_Darkside 5

thats very insightful of you. very few people are insightful. I hope you have a very nice day and a very nice weekend.

if it's that prestigious, then there's probably a dress code. Let's hope it's enforced! She may not even be let on the course!

Now think about how your mum feels when she sees you dressed like a ****. Girls have no decency these days.

tweetbaby14 18

thank god, someone finally gets it. I'd give you a high five, but... yea. I'm so glad there are some women other than my aunt, mother and myself who see that you don't have to dress like a **** to seem cute, sexy, hot, gorgeous, etc.

greekamericanpri 2

hey if u have a problem with her wearing ur clothes because they make look like a **** what does that say about u?

GunnarG9 0

haha I know its not funny to the child thats parents wear their clothes, but it's always funny to hear about that. but I am sorry that that is happening to you.