Stacy's mom…

By Anonymous - 24/06/2011 17:00 - United States

Today, my mom decided to do something new and borrowed some of my clothes. She's currently wearing a very small pair of short shorts and a very tight tank top. We're going to a very prestigious golf course and she won't change. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 284
You deserved it 4 988

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And the lesson is... don't judge teens by their parents and don't judge parents by their teens.


She's just reliving her hooker days.


I'd refuse to go with her... they won't let her in dressed like that

theonlysweetpea 10

We'd be fighting! Tell her to dress like a hooker in her own clothes!

perdix 29

So when she bends over to pick up her ball, we all get a view of the hole. Sweet!

stuffedanimal111 0

be thankful it's not your grandma!!! my boyfriend and I went on my kids end of year fieldtrip and one of the grandmas was wearing booty shorts!!!!

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

Seems perfectly fine to me, if you're small and thin and it's summer, which it is. That's how my friend and I dress in the summer, as well as well, everyone. Do you expect people to wear big khaki shorts and oversized tshirts? Are bikinis at the beach or the pool also indecent by your standards?

Lilliputt 0

It might have been one of those midlife crisis dear, be open to her on how you perceive her in those clothes.. Emphasize to her much of your concern with regards how people will look down upon her.. Bottom line is we tend to be protective for only those who really matter..