Stacy's mom…

By Anonymous - 24/06/2011 17:00 - United States

Today, my mom decided to do something new and borrowed some of my clothes. She's currently wearing a very small pair of short shorts and a very tight tank top. We're going to a very prestigious golf course and she won't change. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 284
You deserved it 4 988

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And the lesson is... don't judge teens by their parents and don't judge parents by their teens.


She's just reliving her hooker days.


maybe she's trying to teach you a lesson?

no no no...the lesson is to not walk around like a scantily dressed *****

tell her if she won't get out of your clothes, she stays at home cuz she looks like a *****

missjet 0

I wouldnt leave the house with her

It sounds like she's trying to prove a point to you about how embarrassed she gets when you wear things like that. And the worst part is you didn't even pick up on it.

4ugu4 7

Just don't go then. Problem solved.