By Nicole - 13/03/2010 19:16 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 21/06/2013 20:27 - United States
By malicious_melons - 07/07/2013 23:41 - United States - Santa Paula
By meep - 23/12/2009 16:05 - United States
Stacy's mom…
By Anonymous - 24/06/2011 17:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 22/03/2022 10:00
By NotMacklemore - 13/02/2015 04:59 - Australia - Heidelberg
By Thanksmom - 18/03/2016 06:23 - United States - Riverside
By Anonymous - 29/11/2011 00:01 - United States
By swmmr - 07/08/2011 19:41 - United States
By Crazyyyymomentsss - 07/08/2009 15:31 - United States
Top comments
that sucks
it does suck
Also, this will just mean you'll have no clothes for winter.
Uuuuhh get a job and buy some clothes. But your mom should have given you some heads up on that.
Hey you're right! Why do they need winter clothes? "Oh it's 65 degrees out, better put on the long sleeves!"
Trashy is the new attractive.
lol @ 31 aww man...I missed out on yet another orgasmic pastry on eBay...what a shame as I'm running low too :-( To said OP: Honestly most of my friends from TX don't have much of a winter wardrobe... still, it does sucks your mom did that without asking you first...and for that I award thee an FYL
trashy *****
26 - Hm, it would have been smarter for Mom to sell the winter clothes. A jacket usually suffices for most of the winter; it probably doesn't become very cold often in Texas to the point that it really warrants winter clothes. I live in NC, and I survive fine without winter clothes, save for a heavy jacket every once in a while. Er, or maybe the temperature is milder here. In any case, fyl for losing your clothes. I understand your disappointment, OP.
maybe she should sell your computer or iPod/iPhone since you just waste time with it on fml
@94 6 inches? try living in Canada for a year then come complaining to me
We hit a new record for most snow in North Texas a while ago. Two days later it was sunny.
Now you can earn some extra cash selling the sleeves and pants legs. How thoughtful of your mom!
Depends. Do the words "record breaking snowfall" mean anything to you. However, it does get hot in Texas, such that summer clothes are important.
that's why I wear tshirts and hoodys year round. there's no need for two sets of clothes.
@174 read again he said 6 feet
that's a hot look.
hahaha that would be so ghetto looking, like Detroit. ooooh similies.
Can you read? He stated 6 feet.
If theres any reason to go streaking in the summer i think you just found it!!!
seriously this^...get a job and buy your own clothes.
if by "trashy" you also mean easy... :DDDD!!! jk, ***** HAHA jkjk...
I use the degrees Celsius, and it can go anywhere from -20 to -50. We usually get all the really cold weather in January. Saskatchewan is a cold, cold place :|
nope :)
TheROFLTroll fails it.
ok you should know the roll by now, but it's not going to stop me. Fail.
I wonder how many bitter low lifes are going to say things like "OMG UR SO UNGRATEFUL YOU BITCH!!"
shut up bitch
Times are hard right now for a lot of people. Why not sell your winter clothes to buy summer ones? You can do this every season! I don't know if looking trashy is your biggest problem right now though. Good luck and FYL.
Wow, OP, that sucks. Why would your mom sell your clothes when you can sell electronics or something like that? It's just dumb.
Sell all of the furniture and tell her to feel free to pile up the carpet in the corner for a bed.
lmao please do that
cutoff jeans and cowboy boots, long blonde hair and dark brown roots, lord pinch me, that's how they do it in Dixie.
wow 63. way to be a bitch
63, you look like there's pubes poking out of your bikini, how attractive!
I know what she was saying hunny. I can read thank you very much. however, I'm not sure that she was insulting fat people or whatever you thought. I just think that it was a little mean about what you said
I think she was just considering facts.. and i'm pretty sure that she isn't a dumbass
well I'm not skinny, but I'm not fat. I built some muscle for sports so Im above a size five but under 10. I definately don't wear daisy dukes, because I don't have the body to make it look good, again I'm not fat, and I don't want to disgust people. I suggest others take their body type into consideration so that they don't look bad.

Hmm. I'm sure you can snag some inexpensive clothing at thrift stores. Problem solved.
Sell all of the furniture and tell her to feel free to pile up the carpet in the corner for a bed.