Stalker vibes

By liz - 21/05/2009 23:46 - United States

Today, I was walking around Walmart when this cute guy walked by me and winked. I thought he wanted to talk, so I followed him around the store, trying to catch up. Turns out it wasn't a wink, he had something in his eye. He told the security person that a weird girl was stalking him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 115
You deserved it 52 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if he wanted to talk, you wouldn't have to follow him around...he would stop. YDI.

Even if he was actually winking, it probably wouldn't have meant he wanted to talk to you. Way to make yourself seem like a creeper.


idontgiveone 0

*winks at you* oh crap do you want my zipcode, home adress, phone number now? O_O

melishusss 0

i hate when people wink at me!

#1: said it best. The rest of these comments are fairly lame. #19 & #20: Wal-Mart, is not a mall. Proofread geniuses.

poolshark 0

That's what you get for shopping a Wally World. That must have been the highlight of the security team's month. (security over walkie talkie) "Mayday, mayday, we have a stalker alert in aisle three hundred and seventy four... SWARM! I repeat, SWARM!!!"

Correction_fml 0

Here's a general rule, if you get that excited by a cute guy winking at you, it probably means you don't get checked out often, which probably means this cute guy wasn't winking at you. In conclusion I think your perfume of choice is Desperation by Creeperton.

ummmm don't you think he would've stopped if he had wanted to talk to you? you're weird. ydi.

"Today, I was walking in Wal-Mart..." YDI

thelonelylurker 0
lifesabit 0

#20 Well I would... mostly because there are these things called guns, knives, and other various weapons.... and sadly my testosterone levels are not nearly high enough to stop speeding bullets, tasers, knifes, etc. .... =/ Welcome to the 21st century, women are just as crazy as us and even more dangerous because guys like you "think they can handle it." Also IIRC giving a stalker your attention is either one of the things that would make things worse or would have no effect. Instead of "Oh he winked at me, let me follow him" it could have been "oh he winked at me AND talked to me.... I'm going to follow him to his house." Or is there some other super-seckret manly way to stop a stalker that doesn't involve potentially pissing a crazy person off (never a smart move) or is a sure-fire work? Violence? Nope. Talking to em? Not if they are nuts. So what would work? #40 All the crazies shop at walmart..... which includes me! *laughs maniacally*