Stalker vibes

By olalala2382 - 02/04/2009 05:09 - United States

Today, as I worked the drive-through at Wendy's, the hottest girl from my math class pulled up to the window. As I handed her the drink, I asked her what she thought of our math test today. She screamed, "How did you know I had a math test, you creep!", threw the drink at me, and drove off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 107
You deserved it 7 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whoa, ouch. When you're next in maths, ask her how she liked her meal/drink from Wendy's and watch her go red as she realises. ;)


wow, wat a crazy bitch! she's not worth it. seriously, is she that stupid???

Jabulls 0
DaFluffyGoldfish 0
DaFluffyGoldfish 0

ooh ooh 5 buck says that #56 is the girl!

#25 is the best idea ever. she'll be so embarassed by her overreaction. serves her right too hahah

Wow she sounds smart /sarcasm What an idiot

bassguitar19 1