Stalker vibes

By olalala2382 - 02/04/2009 05:09 - United States

Today, as I worked the drive-through at Wendy's, the hottest girl from my math class pulled up to the window. As I handed her the drink, I asked her what she thought of our math test today. She screamed, "How did you know I had a math test, you creep!", threw the drink at me, and drove off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 107
You deserved it 7 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whoa, ouch. When you're next in maths, ask her how she liked her meal/drink from Wendy's and watch her go red as she realises. ;)


Flutist 3

Come to class in your Wendy's uniform with her complete order. You then say, "Ma'am it took me forever to find you through Google. Here is your food. By the way, I'm in your math class."

Epic_Fail_Nate 0

what a dumb ******* both. sorry mate but I think you should aim for someone with some actual brains. also who does she think she is? some kind of movie star

rockinroyalty 0

what did she say when u saw her again in class?

Creepshow 0
Coletrain7 0

I work at Wendy's too. Pretty girls come in all the time.

fogrunner 13

Sounds like she's face blind. Look it up :)

WOW. That was her first instinct?! Seriously?! *facepalm*

She's clearly too dumb for you. Seriously, all looks no brain on her part. You deserve better.

It's always the hot girls that overreact in a crazy way