Star witness

By Anunimos - 19/04/2015 13:08 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, I found out my best friend's girlfriend is cheating on him with his own brother. I went over to his place and told him everything while his girlfriend was in the same room. He called me a jealous liar who wanted to break them up, and kicked me out while she looked on, smirking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 959
You deserved it 3 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments


When he finds out he is going to come begging you to forgive him

I don't know who's in the worst, the girlfriend or the brother. Either way they're both scum FYL OP and FHL when he finds out

Definitely the brother. It's his brother, man! The girlfriend isn't even his wife.

it sounds like he wasn't ready to hear it OP I'm sorry he didn't believe you but I'm sure she will trip up sooner or later at least you were a good enough friend to try and help.

Just wait. She'll get careless with her cheating, OP's friend will find out, and he'll be feeling like a dick for treating OP like that.

He will feel very stupid later when the truth comes out and probably beg for your forgiveness. Sometimes being a great friend comes with a price

saffy66 34

It's hard choice you made and it takes guts to tell someone what they clearly don't want to hear. I would not have said it while she was there, though. Telling him on his own gives him time to back away and think it over. With her there, you put him on the spot and forced him to take sides. Don't worry though - unless you've given him any reason to believe you are after his girlfriend, he won't be able to stop thinking about it, even if he doesn't believe it. He may even have already suspected it - thus the vehemence of his denials. The bearer of bad news often gets the blame though, didn't you know? And some people just can't face unpleasant truths. Make it quietly clear to him that you'll be around when he wants you, and that you stand by your story. Then leave him to do his own soul-searching.

Love is blind, but she will eventually get caught..

kayla2228 14

At least there's a bright side, you're not the one getting cheated on. Sorry OP.

He just is in denial and it is easier to attack you than accept the truth that deep down he already knows. Don't take it too hard. Eventually he will no longer be able to hide from the truth and he will need your friendship. I know being kicked out was a horrible thing for him to do but what he will face in the near future will be harder than what he did to you. A broken heart is never an easy thing to heal.

This sounds like a Disnet sit-com.

TallMist 32

Holy shit it does. Moreso Hannah Montana than anything else (That show was almost nothing BUT relationship problems.)