Star witness

By Anunimos - 19/04/2015 13:08 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, I found out my best friend's girlfriend is cheating on him with his own brother. I went over to his place and told him everything while his girlfriend was in the same room. He called me a jealous liar who wanted to break them up, and kicked me out while she looked on, smirking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 959
You deserved it 3 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments


At least you did the right thing by being honest. If he found out later on that you knew and didn't say anything to him about it that'd be a lot worse.

If your own friend can't believe in you then he deserves her, sorry OP

gobiteme2 34

Why in the hell would you want to insert yourself in that mess

TallMist 32

Why the hell would you NOT want to help out your friend?

certainly NOT YOU deserve it,it is HE deserves it. We will wait, we will see;)

boydope420 8

It's okay OP he's the one that's gonna feel like a retard for not believing you

Maybe you should have told him when she was not in the room.......

he will find out eventually. wait for the apology or screw him and get better friends

Soon enough he'll figure it out and if he has any sense, he will apologize to you OP for his lack of trust in you.

Jeromiah 8

You did the right thing OP don't let it get you down