Stay at home

By allidoiswrkwrkwrknomttrwht - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff

Today, I found out my request to have off on Thanksgiving for the first time in 6 years was denied, because I work the evening shift every year on Thanksgiving and that's convenient for everyone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 697
You deserved it 824

Top comments

Have you considered looking for a new job? I'd love to see an update where you find new job, put in two weeks notice in plenty of time before Thanksgiving, and end up with something better! That really does bite.

I feel you OP! I work in fast food, and I'm always working late shifts on Friday and Saturday nights. Ya know, when people are out partying and what not.


Have you considered looking for a new job? I'd love to see an update where you find new job, put in two weeks notice in plenty of time before Thanksgiving, and end up with something better! That really does bite.

I feel you OP! I work in fast food, and I'm always working late shifts on Friday and Saturday nights. Ya know, when people are out partying and what not.

I always work then too, and my bosses say that if anyone doesn't come in on Friday/Saturday when they're scheduled to it's an automatic termination.

Of course it's convenient for everyone family celebrates thanksgiving the day before every year due to it...or have it in the aspect of lunch... Either way that's a poor response for taking time off...a rookie should take those first and usually does

Call in sick the day before telling them sorry you have the flu, you can't go to work for a week...

They cant tell you no if you call out.

Resignation is respectable. If you save money well you can def afford to not work for a couple weeks. If not, there's a lesson to be learned.

Tartara 15

That's when I'd roll out. After finding another job of course. Obviously after 6 years they don't respect you and only care about themselves. So good riddance, and next year they'll have to be inconvenienced because you won't be there!