Steve McQueen would be ashamed

By thatsureshowedme - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, I tried being rebellious for the first time in my life by sneaking out past my curfew. I tried to climb out of my bedroom window to stealthily leave the house. I ended up twisting my ankle when I tried to make my "great" escape. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 225
You deserved it 30 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jesus have you guys never ever done something 'rebellious' in your youth? OP stated they don't normally do this, so rebelling just once is such a massive thrill. Lighten up a little.


trellz17 19

Why didn't you just ask if you could go out?

Because maybe, just maybe she has a curfew... Hence the whole sneaking out.

But OP still could have asked her parents to make an exception for one night.

trellz17 19

I had a curfew too but if there was something I wanted to do that night I'd ask and most of the time I was allowed to go. You just can't please the FML community.

she wanted to be rebellious, asking for completely defeat that.

YDI for sneaking out. Next time you should think about the cops finding out and arresting you since you're out past curfew. Maybe it's a sign telling you not to sneak out again!

OP was trying to sneak out of her house. It wasn't like she was gonna rob a bank.

There are public curfews that make it illegal for minors to be outside without a legal adult past a certain time. I lived in a town that had one.

My town has a curfew and I was caught after curfew one night. The cop just took me home. I didn't get arrested

you can get arrested you just got off easy. normally they give out fines but some times you go to juvenile center or jail.

This whole town curfew thing seems retarded to me what the point in it? And i think they meant after a set curfew by their parents

NeonSteps 14

stay in bed you'll big for sleep when you're older

boxers4lyfe 17

I wanna know how OP explained that to her parents. "Hey mom, can you come pick me up? Where am I? The backyard, I twisted my ankle." XD

If you need mummy to come kiss your ankle if you twist it, you really do deserve it, get back in your cot with sidebars.

It sounds like you're a good kid, why not ask your parents to extend your curfew? That would have been smarter than hurting yourself, and possibly losing your parents trust. YDI.

dude, she wanted to be rebellious. asking defeats that.

What's the point in being rebellious? OP just ended up hurting themselves.

Hope you learned a valuable lesson: Next time, think twice before you do something like this.

Sorry I guess the thug life isn't for you...