Steve McQueen would be ashamed

By thatsureshowedme - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, I tried being rebellious for the first time in my life by sneaking out past my curfew. I tried to climb out of my bedroom window to stealthily leave the house. I ended up twisting my ankle when I tried to make my "great" escape. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 225
You deserved it 30 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jesus have you guys never ever done something 'rebellious' in your youth? OP stated they don't normally do this, so rebelling just once is such a massive thrill. Lighten up a little.


Just walk out the door? Sod the sneaking part. Grow a pair.

That's what you get! Be good, rebelling only makes things worse. You'll look back and go huh, glad I wasn't one of those teenagers. Wish I could say that lol.

You know what the best way to get out of the house is. Not using a window! YDI

why would so many people vote FYL?? OP clearly deserved the consequences for trying to break the rules.

Well, looks like the thug life didn't choose you OP. Get over it. :)

I'm not going to say YDI for breaking the rules because that'd be hypocritical; I've done a fair amount of disobeying my parents and I'm sure everyone else has at one point or another(not that that's a good thing but that's not the point). However, I'm going to say YDI for doing so just for the sake of being rebellious. If you're going to take the risk of getting in trouble, at least have a decent motive.