Steve McQueen would be ashamed

By thatsureshowedme - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, I tried being rebellious for the first time in my life by sneaking out past my curfew. I tried to climb out of my bedroom window to stealthily leave the house. I ended up twisting my ankle when I tried to make my "great" escape. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 225
You deserved it 30 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jesus have you guys never ever done something 'rebellious' in your youth? OP stated they don't normally do this, so rebelling just once is such a massive thrill. Lighten up a little.


At least you had the guts to do it... lol God knows I don't.

WasabiMars 21

Before you sneak out, at least think about the consequences. Worst case scenario you could be kidnapped and sold into slavery. At worse case scenario you could be killed or raped. At bad scenario you could be spotted by cops and your parents may be charged with neglect and you will go to a social worker.

I think OP deserves it less for sneaking out and more for not practicing her escape route in the light of day beforehand. But still deserves it.

most people under 18, have a curfew. it's a pretty normal thing.

Even legal adults have curfews while living with parents. Their house, their rules. When I lived with my dad, I was never allowed to use the lock on my bedroom door. I'm still not allowed to use it when I visit. Another rule of his and his girlfriend's was that I am never to answer the door without someone with me (my sister doesn't count). Again, that stands to this day for when I visit. I actually did that this summer to collect mail that may be important for them, and yes I got into trouble. Adult or minor, their house, their rules.

Not bullshit*. A lot of parents are too busy with their own thing or dont give much of a damn in this day in age. Thats why kids think they can do whatever the **** they want and then if they get into real shit and into legal problems they claim ¨but im just a kid, go easy on me.¨

VoodooPriestess 16

I just say YDI for bad planning. Everyone needs a rebellion period in their lives or else baaaaaaaaaad stuff happens. And when you do too. There is no winning.

ostfaiz 18

Op try again after a fortnightly may be when you are recovered completely and never let the rebellion spirit die under you. Next time follow the 3 P rule! Plan, Prepare and then Perform, YDI ;)

YDI. Don't try to break your curfew, or at least don't be stupid and use your bedroom window.

the bedroom window can work. the trick is to slowly and gently lower your body out until there is only a very small drop out or np drop at all

headofmedusa 15

"Nothing good ever happens after 2 a.m."

Nothing awesome happens before midnight.