Steve McQueen would be ashamed

By thatsureshowedme - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, I tried being rebellious for the first time in my life by sneaking out past my curfew. I tried to climb out of my bedroom window to stealthily leave the house. I ended up twisting my ankle when I tried to make my "great" escape. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 225
You deserved it 30 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jesus have you guys never ever done something 'rebellious' in your youth? OP stated they don't normally do this, so rebelling just once is such a massive thrill. Lighten up a little.


Look, if you're going to break curfew "just cause" at least have a solid plan. When I was thirteen (yes I know, over a decade ago) I'd sometimes sneak out around midnight to go to the wood across the street with my pack of neo-pagan ritual gear, since my dad forbid it in the house. But I knew how to get in and out of my bedroom window on the first floor without trouble, and had practiced it beforehand. This included specifically wearing boots to brave ankles, wrapping my hands and wrists so if I didn't land the 5 foot drop properly and had to fall on them they wouldn't get hurt, and two alternate ways back in besides the window. And then realize why you have a gorramn curfew to begin with. If there's a legal curfew in the town for minors, don't break it. The town I was in at the time didn't have a curfew for minors. The only law I was breaking was the same trespassing the neighborhood kids did by daylight anyway that no one cared about. Probably still shouldn't have done that, but, hey. I fully admit to being foolish.

Next time use the back door while in stealth mode... wd40 on the hinges helps for the squeaking. Good luck OP ;)

Lmao, you shouldn't be sneaking around anywhere.

Always use the backdoor, but leave your window cracked in case someone locks the backdoor.

Teenage Rebellion is completely pointless and unwarranted, I speak as a teen myself