By annoyedguy - 30/06/2009 11:20 - United States

Today, my girlfriend missed our date, so I angrily texted her, telling her if she can't make our dates then we should break up, and generally telling her off. Five minutes later I get a picture of her sleeping in a hospital bed from her mother, saying, "Shut the fuck up, she had appendicitis." FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 457
You deserved it 96 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glam_fml 0

And this is why you find out what's going on *before* you freak out.

lmmmr 0

Asshole. You didn't think to call?


That just teaches you not to jump to conclusions. Things can happen! YDI

i agree with 59, he should break up with her because she didnt care enough to let him know she was in the hospital...

ohhhhshizzz 0

You are so ******* stupid, how could she tell him? She wasn't even awake, and I highly doubt she would have been coherent if she had been.

mister_moops 0

i don't think i've seen a guy freaking out over being stood up before.

We do all the time, except most of us are smart enough to play it cooler than the moron OP.

Appendicitis can happen very quickly. The parents were probably too wrapped up in dealing with the medical emergency at hand to stop and text the boyfriend. When the mother finally got around to replying is probably the first time she had a moment to stop and consider him.

irishlassie731 0

Is this the first time she's missed your dates? If it is, why wouldn't you just call her asking where she was, and if it's not...again, why wouldn't you just call her asking where she was? YDI for being an immature moron and flipping out for no reason at all.

You are an ass! If your girlfriend stands you up, you ought to give her the benefit of the doubt and ask if she is OK. Then, you would appear the caring boyfriend if she were sick or hurt. Instead you come out looking like the stupid, selfish dick you probably are! You're lucky, though. Now your girlfriend doesn't have an appendix, you need to move on. I would never date any woman who didn't have her appendix.

can you say ass hole ?! guys are so immature ...

Assumptions sometimes expose a person's true colors. I would not want to be with someone that told me off before knowing what actually happened. I hope this idiot got dumped after that stunt. That's just totally douchey.

And why the **** didn't you just text her to ask if she was on her way yet, a few minutes after the start of the date? YDI.