
By Wow - 13/03/2012 04:38 - United States

Today, I realized that I am so sexually deprived that I get aroused when plugging my headphones into my computer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 596
You deserved it 8 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kings1fan 6

Imagine how she feels when she fills her gas tank up!

Tip from your Auntie* Rattie - buy a vibrator and some lube. You can get them online if you feel embarressed going into a shop. *Auntie being metaphorical in this case, not indicative of actual relation.


ZippandButtons 7

I'd really like to know what a car is doing in the kitchen. Using the engine to make smoothies, maybe?

That is insanely weird. Ever heard of a vibrator?

You are just a pathetic excuse of a human being that plugging in your headphones gets you aroused. You wouldn't know where to begin with an actual partner. Also, I'm a virgin.

savagee133 13

Doesn't everyone get turned on by this? oh guess not..

dremano1 1

Drop me a line, we'll take care of this little problem.

Masturbation is healthy thing to do...and you have many options being female...