By Danny - 28/05/2012 18:02 - Ireland - Dublin

By Danny - 28/05/2012 18:02 - Ireland - Dublin
By Anonymous - 20/02/2023 14:00 - United States - Cleveland
By MeAgainDr - 08/08/2023 04:00 - Australia - Perth
By Anonymous - 27/05/2019 00:14
By anon - 15/09/2012 05:35 - United States - Rocklin
By sad-boing - 02/10/2015 21:01 - United Kingdom - Dartford
By Anonycock - 06/01/2016 17:15 - Qatar - Doha
By ashbeat - 01/01/2013 15:20 - Australia - Sydney
By xsnqw - 19/01/2016 22:28 - United States - San Francisco
By Anonymous - 28/02/2014 22:26 - Russian Federation - Korol
By Wow - 13/03/2012 04:38 - United States
Don't be worried, Diablo III gives everyone boners.
Thank God, I thought I was the only one who played that game sensually. I leaf through the manual for foreplay.
Don't even get me started on the sound the case makes when you open it, and the plastic cover being ripped off for the first and only time.
Im gonna miss you, D2 LoD.
36 - That's the Sweet Jesus rage face... Which is more or less a sex face.
I chose it specifically for this comment
Diablo - the inspiration to my username :-)
Why would you say #2 if you wanted it on #13's comment? The damage is done, i wouldn't bother trying to fix it.
For anyone who didn't get that - it was from another FML where OC (original commenter) commented on the amazing word fuckball. I guess he found another fun thing to say :)
Fuckballs and uncontrollable boners... More fun to say than to have
And we turned your score positive -high five-.
some people think of naked women to get a boner. others think of **** scenes. you listen to video game music. each to their own!
They come out of nowhere sometimes. The Penis truly does have a mind of its own.
Some old video games of the 90s had music that sounds like **** music. I believe it was one of the streets of rage video games that I first heard have music that could be the background track for ****.
I think if my dad to get a bonor
Either you secretly have an uncontrollable crush on your roommate or that music turns you on.
I'll go with the latter, but thanks Sherlock. We never would have come to that conclusion without your masterful deductive reasoning!
Every guy would know this, and every girl could never understand. Random boners. They happen anytime, anywhere and without reason and they are so difficult to get rid of.
#81 - Do you talk with your brother about random boners or something? I don't have any brothers, but I sure as hell understand that boys get uncontrollable boners for no apparent reason and that is is normal. Not 'cause I'm seventeen nor 'cause I'm not an idiot, but because I'm pretty sure it's just ******* common knowledge.
44 - fair enough - point taken. Well at least women don't have anything to hide when it happens to them.
Every one should be excited when they see me. Captain Teemo on duty.
go away.
I guess not very many people on here play LoL... I thumbed you up.
Yeah, I guess I should stay quiet and just let Diablo III players have their fun :( haha
1337 name Teemo, I play LoL as well
He got thumbed down bc he's teemo. Kind of like how phreak always gets massive thumbs down on the forums regardless of what he says.
What happens when you hear the theme song to your favorite TV show? You ejaculate?
I don't know, them square pants sound mighty fine to me...
Don't even get me started on the lady fairy of Timmy Turner..
"I wanna be the very best..." ******
33- I have a hardcore crush on Marshall Lee, on the opposites episode of Adventure Time. He was Marceline's opposite, and he was hot.
Lol, I haven't seen it yet! but they say things like sexy and pissed I'm pretty sure.. and Gunther was "preggers" in one episode. I'm 16 though, so kids-level or not, I'm still going to watch it XD
53- Like no one ever wasss! To catch them is my real test, to train them is my cauuusssee! POKÉMON!
Wtf? Is there someone stalking me just to thumb down my every comment?
Lol i'm 17 and i find kid's show more amusing then "adult" shows. Sponge bob is amazinf too. You should defiently go on ondemand and watch hugwolf one or on youtube or whatever lol. The hell one is cool too also the "leech king" is one of the better ones ugh i feel like a nerd... Let me know how you like them if you do watch them lol.
One of the effects of Diablo 3.
hope you were wearing jeans, random boners suck
"Ow! My head! Why'd you hit me mister?" Op: whoops.
Don't be worried, Diablo III gives everyone boners.