Stop talking, stop talking now

By Username - 17/07/2011 15:21 - United States

Today, I had to endure a long story about how and why my brother shaves his pubes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 760
You deserved it 4 866

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ahahahahahaha at least you didnt walk in on him doin it


bobbymullet 11

that sounds delightful. notttt.

101 - do you shave all the hair off your head for hygiene?

bacon.. your head is not constantly trapped under 2 layers of clothing for the majority of the day... sweat and body oils build up... The pubic hairs help to make it sweatier.

it's supposed to make their penis look bigger... doesn't make it feel any bigger though

LizzieLizz18 4

Well, you have an fd up broseph...

jobsman99 0

now you know how to shave yours

I would start writing a magazine specifically about that.

girlie90 0

did you ask? and why no walk away? duh

Lisa_Simpson_fml 5

I'm just glad Bart only seldomly reaches puberty or adulthood, otherwise I feel like I'd endure pubic hair talk, too. Take some sax lessons, and play it every time he talks about gross things =)

ilovepoppa 0

You know what, continue this account, I like the idea.

Lisa_Simpson_fml 5

Excuse me for getting out of character for a second, but I need to say this. With very few exceptions, such as my mentioning Bart here, my comments have been absolutely normal, rule-abiding, and even similar to what I would have posted, anyway. They're things other people may say, but under the name of Lisa Simpson. I'd understand annoyance, if my comments didn't correspond to the FML, but they do. I really don't see why anyone, other than myself, should get tired of the comments. I assure you, aside from cleaning up the language and innuendos, they are very much like tge ones I would post otherwise. There's a reason Lisa is my favorite character. She's underrated, and I feel she needs further exposure in a fun environment.

I like them. It adds something to your comments. Like makes a little more entertaining.

A7X_LoVeee 10

I also tend to read the comments in her voice.

Lisa is pushed to the background for a reason... she's a terrible character. 'nuff said

Well, in my personal opinion you kinda sound like a geek. I mean it's not the fact that you commented as a fictional character which you thought was cool but....... no nevermind yeah it was because of that.

I have never seen a character last very long on FML. Example: That robot guy or that guy pretending to be the Earth. It does get tiring. Maybe it's true that some appear to not be able to think for themselves but if a moderator takes the time to add his/her input, it's to benefit this site and make sure it stays fresh and interesting. You can't blame people for being on Alan's side on this matter. Keep in mind not all are ass kisser. I've seen many of Alan's comments thumbed down. Lol

I never suck up to mods. Sometimes I insult them... But then again that's probably why I'm on my 10th account or something like that...

LuLzUnDaTaBrDgE 0

simpsons is the worst show ever. I would rather watch lifetime for two days than one minute of the sumpsons.

A7X_LoVeee 10

^Duh. Lifetime has the best movies. EVERYBODY knows that!

Good pubic hair hygiene is very important, especially if he wants to clear up that crabs infestation

Actually shaving doesn't get rid of crabs