Stranger danger!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I took my child to the park. Having been there an hour, another mum came up to me and we started talking. She then told me that one kid had been harassing her children, pointing to my child. When she asked which one was mine I pointed to a random kid. It was hers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 709
You deserved it 52 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ddeathbombb 5

Tell her "well it's my child now"


ilovecandie 0

You need to become a stronger disciplinary. I really hope that you're not the kind of mom that thinks that your child can do whatever they want, because they can't.

TcheQ 12

Congratulations, you are what's wrong with Australia. Get out of my country.

Yeah because hitting kids to teach them not to hit is to way to go... Thumbs up for you sir!!

eirameelhsa 6

Parent of the year right there.

Should've just owned up to it and taken care of the situation.

YDI so much. Take responsibility for your kid's poor behaviour, or risk making a twat of yourself like you did here.

If you are mature enough for kids you are also mature enough to take responsability for them, for ****'s sake it's a kid not a hamster

Suck it up. Some kids are inevitably going to be dicks and jerks. Better to face it now an not when he's 29 with excessively spiky hair and no job and living with YOU

viper_dlh04 1

And this is one of many reasons why bullying is such an issue....panzy parents.

sgtcxelite 11

That's when you say something like "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought that was one of the kids I was babysitting"