By Rowansgonnarow - 05/07/2014 20:19
Same thing different taste
By Justkillme - 15/11/2018 03:00
By unluckybirthdaykid - 11/09/2017 23:15
By clinictime - 11/04/2012 23:05 - Canada - Okotoks
Wrap it up
By Anonymous - 17/11/2023 16:00 - Sweden - Linköping
By fmltom - 16/12/2015 02:21 - United States - Las Vegas
Contact tracing
By Anonymous - 15/12/2020 16:58 - United States - Mechanicsburg
By Anonymouse - 02/07/2011 07:42 - United States
Knowledge is power
By andy - 28/01/2013 04:36 - United States - Long Beach
By Anonymous - 15/02/2016 01:57 - United Kingdom - Hull
By Bilirubin - 20/02/2010 16:22 - United States
Top comments
"Stop sleeping with raggedy bitches"
You shoulda texted back "I wasn't looking for this."
This is a terrible situation, at least chlamydia is treatable and she told you before it's too late. But dang..
Doesn't matter, had sex. And it's gone. Sorry to hear it though OP, at least now you know to stay clear from her.
At least chlamydia is very easy to cure. Use a condom next time if you don't want STDs.
Somehow i know exactly what she said to him!
#77 "I love bad bitches that's my ******* problem"
And this is what condoms were made for.
It's ok bra
Yeah. He could always be panties. No one wants to be a pair of panties, especially in this case.
"You're excused, and I'm not your bra"
Zoolander :-)
"Bra"? Seriously? Not even bro..! Man oh man, what a world i live in!
Would you feel okay if you just found out that you had gotten chlamydia from a girl that has bad taste in music?
"Hey, I had sex with you. And this is crazy! I saw the doctor. I have chlamydia-a-a."

A for effort bra! :)
You took a horrendous song number three, and you made it worse. Congrats
that's for gonorrhea...
you're thinking of gonorrhea...
He called the shit poop!
Don't put it out with your boots Ted!
Hey, i just ****** you. And this is crazy. I have chlamydia. So now you do maybe. Also, Sirin is the best, she's so cool. I wish she were my mum and all.
A better ending would be if the song had never been created.
Fine, if any staff member reads this can they edit my original post? Don't say i'm not good to you people.
Yeah okay. Don't thank me or anything.
Sorry, was 7am when i posted that. Thanks Sirin you're the best :3.
I love fml staff :)
Hey, I just ****** you. And you were lazy. Should have worn a condom. Get tested maybe.
I hope for your sake that you used a condom!
If he had used a condom, this would not be a FML.
And a condom is always 100% effective...
Condoms are 90 percent effective .. Says right there on the box here "read this"
condoms, bro. regardless, that's ****** up. good luck.
@22 Surely you're not serious?
25 stop calling me surely
Euphoricness - Right you are. Instead, OP should never use a condom and always risk STDs and unwanted pregnancies. Your plan is genius, sir.
I think euphoricness could have worded his comment better, but you guys are giving him a bit of an (undeserved?) bad rap. He *does* have a point. Condoms are great, but I'm pretty sure their primary function is preventing pregnancy, not STDs (just how they're designed): while they're highly effective for some STDS (e.g. HIV) they can be pretty useless against herpes (which can be transmitted through skin-skin contact not covered by a condom) and HPV, and the effectiveness rate for everything in between varies considerably from virus to virus. Research data in this field is dark and full of (systematic) errors. Lots of papers contradicting each others' results. Honestly, the only way to be really safe is if both of you get tested first.
wrap it before you tap it next time op put a helmet on your soldier next time. basically just put a condom on and you have reduced chances of contacting stds
She's generous and creative. Keep her!
Yes, she's so generous that she generously gave him chlamydia ! She's definitely a keeper!

She gave you chlamydia AND has bad taste in music? You sure know how to pick em!
Hey, i just ****** you. And this is crazy. I have chlamydia. So now you do maybe. Also, Sirin is the best, she's so cool. I wish she were my mum and all.