Stranger danger!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I took my child to the park. Having been there an hour, another mum came up to me and we started talking. She then told me that one kid had been harassing her children, pointing to my child. When she asked which one was mine I pointed to a random kid. It was hers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 709
You deserved it 52 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ddeathbombb 5

Tell her "well it's my child now"


notepie 6

Wow only you would be dumb enough to not get up and leave!!!

Man up and address your child's behavior. Parents who are in denial or choose to avoid addressing problems are the reason kids "go off the deep end."

You should have identified yourself as the parent of the offending child and addressed the problem.

I just had my first child on the 19th and my hubby and I are thrilled.. He called every bragging after seeing me into recovery lol. Couldn't imagine anyone doing this to their kid... YDI

Hmmm...I wonder where on earth the child could have learned this behavior?!

anitadoody 7

You're a fail as a parent, OP.

barefootchic 6

I wouldn't assume OP's kid is the bully... Moms on playgrounds can be vicious.

stewpididiot 11

Meh... Kids... They all look alike.... Who can tell??

barronterrier 3

Your kid is going to be the school bully if you don't fix it now!