Stuck on amber

By stuck - 19/09/2011 19:31 - United States

Today, I went to see my boyfriend with the intention of breaking up with him. Instead I discovered that he lost his job today and has to move back in with his parents. I can't bring myself to dump someone who's already crying about his horrible day. Now I have to comfort my soon-to-be ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 920
You deserved it 11 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

starquality 7

Help him find a job,then when he's back on his feet and doing well, see if you feel the same.


How hard can it be to wait a day or two...

saIty 17

"Do you want some(quickly) *I'm breaking up with you* with your coffee?" Huh? What?

bizarre_ftw 21

84 - are you actually from Berlin or is it a joke to go with your grammar nazi self description? (If I get thumbed down I would like to mention I at least took a second to consider whether or not people would be offended, I'm hoping they won't)

Omfgitsmia 15

Maybe it's a good time to bond and work on the reason you want to break up with him. This could bring you closer.

perdix 29

You should still dump him. If he wasn't cutting it while he had a job, the same guy as an unemployed bum is even less attractive. Offer to **** him one last time before he hops the train to Loserville. It's the right thing to do.

That's pretty mean. He's already had a pretty shitty day, why make it worse?

perdix 29

She already decided she didn't want him anymore. Why should she prolong her agony just because he had the bad fortune to lose his job? I've lost jobs before. I've never cried about it. He needs to grow a pair.

The **** is wrong with u man This person is doing the right think u incredible harsh person i hope karma kicls ur ass

"kicls ur ass" What the hell does that mean? Sounds kinda kinky......

#54 - You know what it punctiliously means, you thundercunt.

Yeah, I do, #57. Thanks for reminding me.

No need to thank me. I'm altruistically doing it.

perdix 29

Hey, why did my original comment get voted down? I did recommend a pity ****. Doesn't that show people what a compassionate man I am?

BubbleGrunge 18

Man all you people are bi polar in your feelings. If this had stated" my boyfriend lost his job and has to move back in with his parents" half of the comments on here would be "dump him." Obviously OP is not happy and shouldn't have to stay with someone out of pity, but honestly I probably would feel bad too. Perdix is simply stating what the majority of people would probably do. Also l, he did offer a sympathy ****, which another commenter got a lot of thumbs up for, better than no **** at all.

TallMist 32

At first I thought you were funny, Perdix, but now I know you're just extremely insensitive.

Just try and help him through it, instead of being a little bitch about it. Help him get back on his feet, try and work it out, maybe you will feel differently afterwards.

sparto 0

you should still dump him. It will make him feel better.

if only you knew how ******* retarded you were

bubo_fml 10

Either mercy hump or pimp him out...

maybe hes been having a hard time if you stay with him your relationship mifht get better