Stuck on amber

By stuck - 19/09/2011 19:31 - United States

Today, I went to see my boyfriend with the intention of breaking up with him. Instead I discovered that he lost his job today and has to move back in with his parents. I can't bring myself to dump someone who's already crying about his horrible day. Now I have to comfort my soon-to-be ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 920
You deserved it 11 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

starquality 7

Help him find a job,then when he's back on his feet and doing well, see if you feel the same.


That's never a good idea. Even if they're going through a rough time, it's still good to get it over with. They'll end up resenting the fact that you stayed with them just so you don't feel bad.

Geez so many cold comments..anyway if i was in your place id have done the same thing :/ try and see if you can work it out while you're staying with him. jsut in case!

I think it would hurt him a lot more if you unwillingly stayed with him rather than just breaking up with him. Now, if you still want to help him out and support him, do that. You don't need to be in a relationship with him. It's more FHL that his girlfriend thinks that staying out of pity helps /anyone./

saturnsonic 3

you sound like such a nice person (Sarcasm there)

On the plus side, it's probably a good day to tell him about your herpes infection.

Man, if I was more creative, I'd incorporate this FML into a play of some kind. It's just so perfect for it.

You should have gone ahead and broken up with him!!!! Then he could come here and post about his crap-lousy day!!!!